* JUICE100 is 100% Juice and is bursting with real fruit flavors. Made from apples and white grapes, JUICE100 is fortified with vitamins A, C, D, E Calcium and Fiber. Our juice contains no fat, no caffeine, no cholesterol, no added sugar or artificial sweetners, no salt, and is gluten free.
* Meets the USDA Meal Pattern Requirements for K12 Schools 4oz of JUICE100 qualifies for 1/2 cup Fruit Component Reimbursable. It's cost-effective vs other fruit options.
* SMART SNACK approved and perfect for K12 A La Carte Offerings in snack bars, concessions, and stores.
* Hospitals, healthcare and health-conscious locations, this is the perfect frozen beverage for your customers.
* Case yield approximately 3,072 ounces at a 5-1 mix ratio