Joy Cone Company offers the best tasting cone on the market today. Joy cone uses three flours in the baking process: pastry, cake, and tapioca. This blend of flours is similar to a cake flour. There is more sugar in our cones when compared to some of our competitors. This combination produces a lighter, flakier cone with a much better taste than other products.
The code numbers used by Joy Cone is designating their cups make some sense. Other companies numbers jump all around and have very little maening in relation to size. The lowest Joy Cone number is the smallest cup (#10) and the largest number is the largest cup (#80), with the other numbers falling between these two.
Joy Cone cups are built for portion control and appearance. Extra higher cross ribs in the bottom of the cup reducesthe amount of soft serveinside the cone. This pushes the product to the top, enhancing the appearance of the product.